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Can Animals Benefit from Cold Laser Therapy?

Writer's picture: Dr. Angelique BarbaraDr. Angelique Barbara

Updated: Jul 9, 2024

Yes, both small and large animals can greatly benefit from cold laser therapy to reduce pain associated with injuries and speed up healing time. 

What is Cold Laser?

LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Radiation and utilizes different wavelengths of low level light to stimulate the animal's tissues. It is called "cold" not because it is a form of cryotherapy but because unlike other medical lasers, this form does not give off heat.

How does it work?

The laser stimulates the animal's cells causing the mitochondria to produce more ATP (energy utilized by the cells) which allows for quicker cellular healing and a reduction in inflammation. Cold laser therapy works well for both acute and chronic injuries.

Types of Cold Lasers:

Class 1 & 2: can be purchased over the counter and has a max power of 5mW continuous diode output. Least powerful of the cold lasers.

Class 3: designed for practitioners, but can be purchased for at home use as well. Has a max power of 500mW continuous laser diode output. This is the class of laser that I recommend for my students to purchase. 

Class 4: Any laser with output of 500mW or more. Mainly used by medical professionals. Gives off heat and can damage eyes if used without protective glasses.

Contraindications to use:

  • Do not use on animals with cancer.

  • Never  shine in eyes (avoid using near or on the face)

  • Wear  protective glasses when using class 4 (optional for class 3)

  • Do not use on the abdomen of pregnant animals

  • Always follow instructions for proper use of the particular cold laser you are utilizing.

Laser I recommend:

If you are looking for an effective, easy to use and easy to handle laser, I highly recommend the Class 3 laser in the photographs. I have personally used this laser on many animals and myself with great results.  This laser is very affordable, but requires longer treatment sessions than the next laser I recommend below. Overall, it is an excellent affordable option to add Cold Laser Therapy to your practice.

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